Aquifer mapping, stream profile mapping, Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), Groundwater stock & flow assessment, isotope hydrology, Monitoring & Evaluation of Stream-Groundwater interactions, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE's), Geophysical survey (VES), and spring conservation & restoration.
Mapping Ecosystem Services across various landscape using biophysical, socio-cultural, economic and expert-based quantification methods. Provide tailored-made management and restoration strategies for various habitats based on local landscape conditions using systems-based thinking approach.
Water quality & quantity assessment, recharge rate, stakeholder analysis, socio-enviro-economic assessment. Field transect surveys to understand the role of geological structures, landscape architecture & identification of rock type and its role in water flows and stocks.
Engage with different stakeholders i.e. users of our natural resources and help bridge gaps that exist between knowledge and practice for effective use and upkeep of our natural environment through games, visualisation techniques and educational awareness tools. We investigate how people perceive, understand, and make decisions about their freshwater resources.
Natural resource identification and its management, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), ecohydrological restoration design & planning, rainwater harvesting, and water audit studies.
Water, Soil & Ecology conservation training, hands-on field Ecohydrogeological training, GIS & RS training, Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI), Return on Investment (ROI), Cost-Benefit Ratio (BCR) analysis, project proposal design, scientific & technical writing, data collection and analysis.
Water contamination, landslide and flood monitoring, hazard delineation, mapping and mitigation strategy formulation.
We have been studying water and myriad of issues revolving around it with an inter and transdisciplinary approach for the past one decade. Regardless of all the odds, we have grown in our geographical reach, steadily and organically built our client base with a sole purpose to help people work together with nature rather than working against it by providing ecological sound solutions.
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